Request: The Full Twilio API from Twilio directly (instead of from Blockspring)

Hi there,

I’m building webapps that utilizes sending/receiving sms, mms and voice recordings.

It would be nice if Bubble integrated the Twilio API from Twilio directly, because the Twilio API via Blockspring allows you only to send SMS text, it does not offer the other full capabilities that Twilio has, like sending and receiving ( and replying to) SMS, MMS, voice recordings and far more.

It would be superbeneficial to Bubble if it did integrate the full Twilio capabilities, because there are a lot of webentrepreneurs, stores etc who are using Twilio/or want to use Twilio but first need to hire a programmer to build their Twilio Apps for their businesses, it would be beneficial to them if they could just do it themselves in Bubble without hiring a programmer.




Not sure if Zapier would provide any better integration, but Bubble and Twilio are both on Zapier.

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Yes, Zapier has a lot more than Blockspring for Twilio.

However, you will need to get under the hood of Zapier a little, to integrate Twillio triggers into a Bubble workflow.

Shouldn’t need code writing, but you will need to go to Zapier’s Developers console, which isn’t all that non-coder friendly. But it is by no means impossible.

Happy to help, as this sounds like a good thing to do. Being able to SMS a Bubble App is just cool :slightly_smiling:

Yup, you can SMS Bubble :slightly_smiling:


I was using Zapier to try to do a Twilio integration for phone, but after talking with their team, it is not a part of their offerings at the moment. Blockspring also doesn’t have the capability, so integrating the full Twilio API would be super helpful!

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Second this

What part of Twilio aren’t they offering via Zapier ? Assume the full “phone call” stuff won’t work.

Yeah the phone call stuff is exactly what I was hoping for.

What are you trying to do ? Send a voice message ?

What I want to do is basically set up a conference call between 2 phone numbers. So I want to have my Twilio number call both numbers. But neither the Blockspring or Zapier Twilio integrations allow for that. Even though I know it is possible because I have tested it with Twilio before.

How did you set that up? Is Bubble also able to receive MMS to it? and view it?

Not sure about receive. It can send via a media link.

In terms of setting up, you can use the Zapier Webhook. I hand’t realised this at the time of writing this (I was creating my own Action).

Will recreate and post here if that would be useful.

Zapier only refreshes every 5 minutes. Have you figured out how to get incoming Twilio triggers in real time ?

I concur. Especially if Twilio Notify made push notifications possible.

Some zaps are instant however, but the Twilio incoming SMS isn’t I am afraid.

Did you experiment with Twilio notify yet? I’m looking into it now as I also have access.

@NigelG @bjstrevy just curious if you guys ever figured this out?

I’m trying to do this too --> “What I want to do is basically set up a conference call between 2 phone numbers. So I want to have my Twilio number call both numbers. But neither the Blockspring or Zapier Twilio integrations allow for that. Even though I know it is possible because I have tested it with Twilio before.”

did you get this working. I am trying to get bubble initiate VOIP call to another number using twilio service