Reschduling or stopping API workflow

Good day everyone

I need some helps please!

I am creating a reminders module of my website and used API Workflows to send an email / show an icon when the date/time of the reminder comes. The problem is what happens to the already scheduled workflow when a user either changes the date/time or deletes the reminder?

You need to store the scheduled WF ID somewhere and use Cancel scheduled workflow action.


thanks but I didn’t find the scheduled WF ID, it seems Bubble hides it?

No. When you schedule a backend wf, in another step, you can use resul of step… and you will get the id. This is also available in logs/scheduled workflow tab

Jici - I found the wf ID in the logs, but the results of step… didn’t get me the number. Sorry, are you able to share more detailed steps?


Also, read this

All detailed on how you can store and cancel workflow

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thank yo8u very much. Is Workflow ID a field I create or is it built in like the Unique ID field?

Yes, you’ll need to create a (text) field somewhere in your databse in order to store the WorkFlow ID.

Then you can cancel the at a future time using its ID.