Reset password workflow does not work


I followed the steps to set up a reset password workflow in the bubble quick tip video. However when I test it out I get a message saying that it is not a valid password reset request. Does anyone know why this is not working and how I can fix it?

I have strong feelings to believe that this action is not working anymore. It was visible only on the reset_pw page anyway. Probably some weird design on Bubble-side. (It is working, see my second post).

If you want to reset user’s password, you can do it in any page now, by making them enter their old password, new password and use the Update the user's credentials action.

this would not work in my case because I am trying to build a workflow where the user can create a new password when they are logged out and have forgotten their old password. Do you know a way around this?

I was thinking of just manually deleting the user from the app’s data base and the letting them sign up again with the same email address and a new password but if anyone knows a better way please let me know.

Thank you!

Ok. I think I got it. The reset_pw page’s Reset password action only works if the page is opened by email or with the link that has a reset parameter (see below):

Simply, you can’t test that reset_pw page in the preview mode without the parameter. If you do it, you get the error you displayed in your original post.

To make that page work, you should send reset email to the user so they can click on the link. I could make it to work that way.

It is still weird that there is an action that is only visible on the reset_pw page though. Weird bubble :slight_smile:

I have always tested it in the way you described and it does not work for me. I will ask someone else to do it and see if it works for them and I’ll let you know. Thank you for all your help so far!

Interesting. I would try it in an empty bubble project. That’s what I did. If it works over there (which looks like working), probably it is conflicting with something in your project settings.

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