I have an RG with 1 row and 7 columns.
Below that I have 7 groups in a group.
The RG cell size and the 7 groups all have the same width.
The RG and the group containing the 7 groups are also in a group.
The page is responsive for smaller screen sizes but on larger resolutions the RG stops stretching (see the top 2 screen-shots).
The bottom screen-shot shows the groupings.
Any advice will be appreciated.
Thanks, Mark.
I’ve run across the same behavior and have found no way to fix it. The only thing that you can do is put a max width on all of your elements so that they don’t get any bigger than the repeating group is willing to get. Supposedly this is one of the things that’s going to get fixed with the new responsive engine.
Thanks StarrK_Designs. Makes sense.
Thanks cmarchan. I bought his Udemy course and it is excellent. Thanks for sharing the video.
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