You would need a workflow where this is a Create a Thing (company) and it would have a condition that says Only When … Do a Search for Input’s value:count <= 0
It’s late here now so I won’t to get to look at it tonight. I’ll check back in the morning and see if you’re still stuck. However, if you could explain to me what the difference between ‘name’ and ‘company’ is I might be in a position to suggest something before I close down for the night. By Company do you mean a Thing as in a DB Table?
Please ignore previous comments about “name” and “company”. Users are all associated with a company.
I have changed an input field on the sign up from: regular input field -> search input field. The reason is if there is an existing company, I want the search field to populate.
When I use the function: Company Name = Input - Company’s Name’s Value it won’t save. It’s red.
I have used the function: Company Name = Input - Company’s Name typed text and it’s red now although this works fine on the page = /login. I have used this before and it works fine. Now it won’t work.
Add new user with a new company. The user and company save fine. This works.
Add a new user with the company in Step #1 (so it’s like a co-worker). The company doesn’t duplicate which is perfect. The problem is our new user is unable to save the company from step #1.
I need this to save because you can have more than 2 people in a company. Does that make sense?
It makes sense this time and I know I’ve had that exact problem before. I would love to dive in for you but I really need to close down now. Before I go I’ll make a couple of suggestions that might be worth at least eliminating.
Don’t save the search box value, save Current Page’s Company
Insert a pause (under Navigation in Actions) to see if that helps.
Make a hidden input’s value = to the search box’s value and save the input.
I suspect it is one of those bothersome bubble problems that takes experimentation to solve. Good luck and I’ll check in tomorrow to see if you are still stuck. You may need to make your app ‘Everyone can view’ and let someone jump in for a look. That’s often the fastest way.
When a new company name is typed in, Search box’s value is empty, typed text is the new name.
Conditional workflow steps should be create the company as you have it, then change the user and set the company to the one just created in the previous step.
When an existing name is typed in, change the user as you do now to the search box’s value. This should not be done on the condition of a new company name.
Step 3: I haven’t changed the company as you said it was correct and I agree. I have now set the next step to change based on the company that was created. It’s blue, seems correct, and still doesn’t work.
Step 4: This is independent of Step 2 and 3 above as the company exists in the system and uses the “search box company value”. This seems to be working.