Search of elements works intermittently

The elements searcher works sometimes and then sometimes doesn’t work. I can’t seem to figure out what causes it to stop working and when it stops working it is only for certain elements. It seems to have trouble finding repeating groups and reuseable elements mostly.

It works after a page refresh but a page refresh is exceedingly annoying after I’ve navigated through the page elements to get to specific spot to change something.

It also can be resolved if you copy and paste the desired argument from another source/page that you have loaded up.

It happens on the element editor, page workflow editor but not in the backend workflows (since there’s no repeating or reuseables here I guess). See attachments.


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Weird… I recall running into this issue a while back where I’d have to refresh a lot, as you mentioned thats annoying :sweat_smile:

I’d recommend just filing a bug report:

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