Searchbox question

This is a 2 part question:

  1. Is there a way I can make my searchbox trigger my search button workflow (which conducts a search to display data in my repeating group) by just pressing enter on their keyboard (desktop or mobile)?

  2. The data source I currently use to display my searched content in my repeating group is if it “contains” my typed text. However, searchboxes will also show a suggestion of what you are typing. But if i click the suggestion, my workflow wont run when I click search. I suspect this is because my data source is set up for if my searchbox “contains” the text, not “is” the text. Is there a way I can make it so my data displays if it is the value iI’m looking for or if the results contain the typed text I’m looking for? It really should do both, and im not sure why it doesn’t.

Sounds like you want to display in a repeating group the selected entry from the searchbox. On the RG put a condition for when searchbox value is not empty and property to change is the datasource. Set datasource to searchbox element value:converted to list.

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Close, but what I mean is, I want the repeating group to display any name with the typed text within the search box. But for some reason it only works if I type the text, and then select the corect name from the dropdown that appears below the searchbox. I was hoping to avoid having to select that name altogether and just type the text and display all options that could be a match within the RG.

then use an input, not searchbox, in rg use constraint against appropriate field contains inputs value