Send email to list of users


I have set up a schedule api workflow on a list to send an email to users in the list.

I can see in the log that the user ids have been identified the email itself is not being sent. The To field has no data.

Have I missed something obvious?

Screen Shot 2020-12-16 at 2.50.47 pm

Screen Shot 2020-12-16 at 2.51.19 pm

Any help appreciated!


I am down to help you get this going, but unfortunately you haven’t provided enough information here. What is OrgUser, is that a datatype? Are you trying to run this workflow on all OrgUsers?

Any more information?

Its probably privacy rules issue

Try to check “Ignore privacy rules when running this workflow” - either on scheduling action or on the backend workflow OR setup the privacy rules differently



Thanks for your offer!