Set focus on first field´s on repeating group

Hello guys,

So in my invoice page I have repeating group with some inputs on fields like in the image below.

What I want is to not let the user submit that invoice unless at least the first line of the repeating group “description” field is not empty. I´ve achieved that with workflow by showing an alert but it will be wonderful to set the focus on that first field of the repeating group so the user knows where to look when showing the error.

Maybe is something that´s not possible @emmanuel?

Here is the app:

Thanks a lot.

I know this is an old topic, but the topic that has a proposed solution is closed and I don’t think the solution works.

I want to have my menu UX the same in all locations in my app but the focus won’t work still in a RG. I can reference the rg itself but that presents all kinds of issues with responsiveness. It will also always stick at the top of the rg.

The problem with changing it into a group is that you cant click outside of it to close. Perhaps the next best thing is a popup but that breaks with the UX.

Is this on the radar to get implemented? Having focus groups in RG’s is a pretty common request I feel…

Are you talking about a Group-Focus? I think this thread is about focusing the text cursor in the first field of a repeating group.

crap, you’re right! I was browsing different topics and I guess I lost the one I wanted to post in… oops.

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Would you say you…lost…focus?

I’ll see myself out.