I think this maybe is an easy fix but i cant seem to get it to work.
i have the following data types: User → Email & Roles (Admin, Customer & Company) Customer → Name, User, Adress etc… Company → CompanySize, User etc…
On my admin panel, I’m trying to display in a repeating group:
Customer: Email | Role | Name | Adress etc…
But since they are different data types, I can’t seem to be able to display them both in a repeating group? What am I missing?
So if your RGs type of content is “Customer” to display related (connected) info from data type “User” you will need to construct "Current cells Customers’User’(email, role, name, address, etc…)
If your data is set up the way you said it was then you should definitely be able to do that.
If you can’t, then perhaps your database is not set up the way you think it is?
Maybe some screenshots of your database set up and repeating group data source and internal elements would help to clarify what you’re currently doing…
Now it worked, i can now display roles, however when i click a button on the repeating group i want to change the role of the user to User+, how would i go about doing that? it changes the role on the Customer data filed “Role → User+” but not on the User Type, it still says “User → Default”
Ok, so you have a default role assigned to each newly created Kandidat. How do you change the role (what are you using to choose a role from a list of roles and where is the button to save changes)?
Now that works and gives the Kandidat the new role, however it does not update the main users role in “ALL USERS” where the user remains the role “Default”?
Oh, maybe i don’t need that data source then? Can i add multiple different “display data” types to that workflow? will that help?
So if you open a popup via some button in a RG cell and use that popup only to display and edit current cell Thing - you don’t need to have a default data source defined cause you are always sending data with your "display data " action.