Hi guys!
I’m new to bubble, I bought a domain on go daddy, can someone please explain me step by step how can I now use it on my app on bubble?
Thanks a lot
Hi guys!
I’m new to bubble, I bought a domain on go daddy, can someone please explain me step by step how can I now use it on my app on bubble?
Thanks a lot
*The rest of these instructions are based on the assumption that Bubble is giving you 4 A records - 2 with name ‘www’, and 2 with no names - if that’s not the case then you may need to follow a different process than the one outlined below.
In your GoDaddy account under your domain, find your way to the ‘Manage DNS’ page.
The first thing you’ll need to do is delete the existing CNAME record called ‘www’ that points to ‘@’
Then add each of the 4 A records given to you by Bubble.
To to this click the ‘Add’ Button and select type ‘A’
For the 2 records with no name enter @
into where it says ‘Host’ and the value into where it says ‘Points To’
For the 2 records called ‘www’ enter ‘www’ into Host and the value into Points To.
Then you just need to give it time to propagate - it should only take a few hours, but it could take a day or two, so keep checking you Bubble app settings to see when it’s ready.
Thanks a lot Adamh, I’ve tried lets see in few hours !
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