Show Bubble: Felix - Automation for Content Marketers

Hey Everyone,

After working on Bubble for over a year I’m releasing my most feature complete app yet, and I’m so happy with it!

It’s a tool designed for publishers and content marketers. It ingests posts and articles and then outputs a variety of formats such as a video summary, audio summary and a instagram story.

The whole backend and admin dashboard has all been done with Bubble - and more workflows than I can quite believe.

Check it out at

Thanks to all the community members who answered questions when I got stuck, I couldn’t have done it without you.

I never fail to be amazed at what can be built with Bubble and the amazing amount of dev time we saved in getting this off the ground.

Would love to hear anyone’s thoughts, I’m still adding lots more features!

Cheers, James.

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Super cool stuff. I’d definitely share main home page rather so people can see it. The create account page doesn’t have anything on it. Home page looks great though.

A couple of quick bugs I noticed:

When I click the logo on the create account page a dashboard flashes with a couple of posts already on there “7 tips for social media…”

The accept button on the cookie warning is broken too.

Hey @jamesdevonport! Would love to feature Felix on! Down to submit to

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Awesome, thanks for the feedback! Going to make some changes to the landing page today.

Thanks for the tip on the bugs too - will sort those :smiley:
