Surprised that there’s not more action here in such a long time, given the similarity of the issue and it’s relative significance (or maybe it’s just a unique problem)…
‘Email confirmed’ is set to yes if the current user clicks on the link included in the received email. This field is not exposed in the database but can be seen in runmode, for example, if you have a Repeating Group with Users as data source and users’ email confirmed in current cell.
Thanks! Found a solution in another thread wherein you break the subsequent actions (i.e. those that rely on the value of “Email Confirmed” to run) into custom events – this solved my problem!
’ this field is not exposed in the database’.
that was the insight I needed. I thought something was wrong because there was no such field in the user table that I could see and after adding the field nothing happened to it .
Thanks @neerja!
I had a problem with this. When the User clicked the link it went to a page with a Reusable Element (a header used on all pages). The header checks if the User’s email is confirmed, and it not send her to a page telling her to confirm.
It seems that the Bubble action of setting the User to confirmed takes little moment. I now therefore removed the header and display a button when Bubble has made the User confirmed, letting her click to enter the site (which uses the header).
Also, I have Users that has not confirmed emails. When I send another Confirm Mail to them (with the Action “Send confirmation email” I can’t send it to the User unless I login as that User. This makes it hard being a sysadmin and send these mail. Would be good to be able to select to which Users the confirmation mail should be sent.
I now run into the same problem. I even created test app only to check this. It has only 2 pages: index page with Bubble’s SignUp/LogIn popup and email confirmation page. In this page I output email confirmed property (Yes or No). So what do I do when “Sign Up” button is pressed:
Sign the user up (I can see in the database new user record)
send confirmation email
log the user out (!).
When link in the email is clicked, I’m redirected to the “login” page and see that email confirmed property = No
If I don’t log the user out, email confirmed property = Yes (after the link is clicked)
But this seems to be very wrong to me, as user without confirmed access is actually logged into the app.
Am noticing the same myself. Anyone else having the confirmation property not being set to yes?
Email is sent, link clicked on. Email confirmed is not being set to yes.
i do this with some tricks when a user wanna signup i just take his email, then I make a user for him, and then I send a reset password link email for the user.
in this way user is going to verify his email when he click on the link and then he goes to the reset pass page and he can choose his password.
then I route him to the dashboard.
so the user just verifies his email with reset his password. and I use a filed for myself isEmailVerified? YES/NO to use it later in the workflow
it helps me to have a better UX and also get rid of that inside field.
another thing is I use social logins like Twitter. in this case even users sometimes don’t have email
so it’s critical to you to manage this with some tricks.
I’m reading through this thread of people running into the same problem over and over since December 2016, yet I don’t see any solution.
I’m running into the same issue as everyone else: when users click the email confirmation link in their emails, they go to the app and Current User's email's confirmed is FALSE even though they literally just clicked the confirmation link.
It seems only one person found the answer, but I can’t find the “other thread” which actually has the answer:
What does that mean to break “subsequent actions” into custom events?
I have had this problem for a while and I’ve found a few things that you must pay attention to…
The email confirm mechanism works on browser cookies, so this effectively means…
The confirmation link will not work if the user users “privacy” mode on their browser. And
If the user’s default browser is different than that of what he normally uses, that is also going to create a problem. For example, if the user used Chrome to register, but his system’s default browser is Edge so when he clicks on the link it opens in Edge, the confirmation link will not work.
It’s a bit of a drag and I’ve brought this up to Bubble support, but they confirmed that the mechanism work this way.
@simon.wong I’m actually seeing that a user who confirms on the exact same browser will show as not confirmed if they log in later with different browser or device.
Does that make sense to you with what you were saying about cookies? Anyone else seeing that behavior?
I’m having this issue and it’s seriously impacting my website. User’s click the link in the email, either on incognito or otherwise it still won’t work. It takes them to the confirmation page but won’t register that they have confirmed their e-mail.