Slidebar Menu Plugin closes too fast on mobile

Love this menu! Everything is working perfectly except for on mobile view. As soon as my finger touches an option in the menu it closes. The only way I can navigate pages is if I tap the option very quickly before it closes. I fear that my users won’t know to do this…

Has anyone found a fix for this?

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I’m experiencing the exact same thing. You have to tap it in a very specific way for the workflows to trigger (doesn’t matter if it’s a Go to Page or Show an Element or anything else). Can the plugin offer some sort of a delay to close, @emmanuel?

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Have been experiencing this for awhile now. This plugin I’m sure is key for thousands of Bubble users too.

@emmanuel can we get a fix for this please?

Workaround: You can also make your own using show/ hide

I wound up custom building with a group that animates in/out and filling it with text & icons. I do wish the plugin could still be updated though since it’s such a quick setup that I’m sure many would appreciate.

I also find the workflow for setting up the links with the plugin a bit inefficient, as you need the exact name in the workflow so if it changes you need to manually update and it can’t be dynamic.

Totally but I have lots of pages I use it on across multiple apps. It would be beneficial for the community to fix it.

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