I’m having trouble with creating a custom state for reusable elements in my app.
It happens when I do this — Select the group I am in, select conditions, select “myreusableelementname” — create a custom state, name it “current view” and give it’s value a number and click create.
I am then shown nav-bar A [not found: current view].
Seems like it isn’t creating the current view state when I click create. It works for when I try to create a custom state for other non-reusable items. I think it’s a bug but I may be doing something wrong. Does anyone happen to have any suggestions for why it’s happening?
Ok so the reason that happened is because you were creating a custom state while editing ‘nav-bar A’ on the ios app page, instead of creating a custom state within ‘nav-bar’ (the reusable element itself). I just created your current view custom state in the reusable element editor of ‘nav bar’, and then once you go back to your ‘ios app’ page, you should be able to reference it as a custom state for ‘nav-bar A’