All my apps seem to display only 500 items for Repeating Groups when Layout Style --> ‘Full List’ is selected.
Is there a reason for this? @Emmanel, is this by design or it is it a bug?
All my apps seem to display only 500 items for Repeating Groups when Layout Style --> ‘Full List’ is selected.
Is there a reason for this? @Emmanel, is this by design or it is it a bug?
No it’s by design. It’d make page display extremely slow (in fact, 500 is already too high, if you hit this that means you’re doing something weird and should be using infinite scrolling).
Ok - I have lots of reasons to want to include more than 500 without scrolling, but if that’s the design that’s the design.
Good to know, thanks for responding so quickly.
is the maximum still 500? was there an improvement?
because it could show more than 500 items, for example a list of “Friends” or “Follower”
how can I do in that case?
You should use infinite scroll, it’s never a good idea to load 500 entries at once (facebook, twitter don’t do that).
Great, thank you!