Stripe Customer Portal Setup

Hey, I tried to set up subscription payments with Stripe, but I encountered a few issues.

I closely followed a tutorial from YT, and I set up almost everything but customer portal. The turtorial skipped the part on API calls settings, so I am lost here.

Does anyone know what values to enter in the marked areas or where to find them in Stripe developer dashboard?

(Screenshot from the tutorial):point_down:



I meant the Values not JSON, so in the first red box it starts with “sub_1LN0…” and in the second “application/z-www-form…”

Your json body is what’s wrong.

I think we misunderstood each other. The screenshot above is from a youtube tutorial and not my app. I have all fields empty. I am wondering what to put in these fields because the guy in tutorial just showed the screen but skipped the API settings part, and I can’t find any info on what to put in these fields.

the id is going to come from a result of another action from a stripe plugin or api connector, or a result from your database. the content-type is going to be static: x-www-form-urlencoded

1st red box: with id contains the subscription id in Stripe portal you can find it on top right corner when you click on subscription.
2nd Red Box: Content-type would be same
3rd Red Box: Same
Last one does have the customer ID its the stripe profile ID you can get it under the name on Stripe profile.

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