I’m getting this error message each time I try to make a payment.
I’ve implemented Stripe, and even though I filled in both the Secret Live Key and the Publishable Live Key in the Stripe Plugin section, when I try to make a payment, I get this error message pop up and cant proceed with the payment.
Also, when I click on '‘enter your API keys’ it takes me to the Stripe API keys Plugin section, where I already filled in both my publishable and secret keys, but the error message still stays.
Could it be that my app was in test mode? I tried to go live to test that but it wont let me until I fix that error message.
Actually I triple checked that too, I also tried to just manually enter the keys instead of copy pasting it, didn’t work.
I contacted Stripe yesterday, their customer support said that I was able to successfully create tokens previously and then rolled my keys (got new keys), once I enter my new keys I should be able to make live charges,
But it doesn’t, I already entered the new keys multiple times without a typo mistake and it still gets me that error message saying I should get valid publishable keys.
One thing to note though, you should ABSOLUTELY enter your test keys, you don’t want to be testing with live keys, as it’s about real money.
(also, Josh and I have access to users’ apps for debugging/help purposes, and no-one else, so no need to open your app when it’s us. For others though, and if it’s not sensitive like API keys, it’s always better to open to get help).
I tried that, I’ve been putting my own creditcard in there, that’s why I changed the amount to 0,70cents.
Do you mean first publish the app, (if im able to publish it with the working test keys), and THEN testing it live with my own creditcard with real money?
Well if you think there is a bug please file a bug report online. But:
please redo the different steps and make sure things are clean
please make sure you have nowhere some code you copied from Stripe’s site (in the header, HTML element, etc.).
Stripe is one of the most common plugins for users’ apps, we use it all the time for our app, and it works. So I’m 99% there an issue with the way you set it up.
No, I dont think there is a bug, neither did I say such a thing.
All I want to know is why - at charge your current user - it doesnt read my Stripe API Keys when I clearly have entered them. Stripe even said it connected.
I did redo the different steps, I even re-set it up in another bubble app.
The same error of Please fill in your stripe api keys while I already entered them.
I also cant test it anymore because the stripe checkout form doesnt switch back to test mode even though I fill in my Test Api Keys.
I was receiving some weird traffic to my unpublished bubble pages, since I have my Stripe API keys there, I thought it was better to remove the link from the public forum just in case.