Stripe registration (seller) doesn't work with Bubble Stripe Plugin?

Dear all,

I am using the Bubble’ Stripe plugin to register users as sellers on my platform.

Stripe Connect is correctly configured in my Stripe Dashboard (test), and the URI as been set to a page where the registered users are then redirected too (this page is a kind of routing page : can I do that or should I wait few seconds in order for Bubble to correctly manage the poststripeauth stuff ?)

During my tests with test users (some of them create a stripe account during the workflow, some others have alreeady a stripe account), I don’t get any error and users are correctly redirected to my platform, the poststripeauth URI first then the destination page.

BUT, the “Current user’s Stripe seller account’ Id” is ALWAYS empty, so I can’t check if the registration worked… But in my (test) Stripe Dashboard, I have no connected account, so I guess either I miss something, either that does not work.

I’m using the Bubble’ Stripe plugin V3 (should I use V2, didn’t tested yet…)

Many help for any help or guidance you could bring to me !

Any luck resolving this? I’m having the same issue. The process looks like it’s working great, and then after stripe the /poststripeauth page just says “Please Wait” and nothing happens.

hey! i seen you commented on my other post this is the problem im having did you figure it out? It didnt work for me yet

I had to use the @ZeroqodeSupport Stripe Marketplace plugin, which is a paid plugin but of high quality and excellent results. Great ROI for Stripe use cases implementation.

I only had to implement the Account token creation using the API connector, but the Stripe documentation is one of the best of the IT world, so it’s not a problem.

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Thank you! Did you have any trouble getting the users info like… bank… name. birthday ect. over to stripe? i can’t seem to get the info in over there…

I don’t use and need this info. I’m using the Stripe Connect Onboarding workflow, so that the whole sellers registration is managed on Stripe side.

Cool do you mind showing me your setup ? when you have the time…

It appears to work. Reading the documentation you would think that replacing with your domain would be the correct step in adding the URI. It is not. Add the URI of and bubble will do the rest and return your user to the page they started on. Good luck To test it, put this in the URI https: // (note: remove any spaces in my url) if you try posting in the forum with no spaces it looks like this Stripe Authentication

Stripe - Bubble Docs.

Hopefully we can get some positive results here.


So that no longer works?!

It wants me to sign into bubble !

Something changed. I kept getting the same error and had to rework the call. If I remember correctly it was something weird, like you don’t need to include version-test. I lost my mind about a month ago but got it working again. — edit: I think I remember having to check and alter the redirect URI in stripe… I knew I should have written that down.

The one just doesn’t work. Tried it every way.

Doing it manually now (grab the code and do the token swap. Works… but surely Bubble should do this for you? That is what the docs say.

Anyway, working for now. Will do some bug raising later.

Thanks for the input.

Just checked my settings. That’s the same for version test and live.

When I do that … it goes to bubble and asks me for user/password

Then there has to be a bug. I was running into the same problem, reset the uri and it worked. I had someone sign up as a seller the other day and the following workflow didn’t run. So I may be having the same issue again. I’ll have to test it. That stinks

Any update on this?

I keep getting this and I have all the relevant URI’s in Stripe

Aha… more fun. So when you run in LIVE Stripe … it works with the Stripe Authentication

But not in test.

Which makes things fairly tricky.

Works in Live but not Dev.

Rather than wait for Bubble I run a workflow on page load that checks for poststripeauth in the URL and then grabs the code from the URL … and does the token exchange you posted above.

This then gets me the Stripe Key which I store. Not great security, but can’t have two different ways of working across Live and Dev.

Ok cheers Nigel, I guess this isn’t a bug then?

So you have a seperate api call for this?