Stripe registration (seller) doesn't work with Bubble Stripe Plugin?

Chad :wave: :grinning:

Yeah, it is a bug. But would take longer to set up and report than workaround.

Using Stripe Authentication as the redirect in the Stripe Connect Settings is fine in live mode. Bubble handles all the nasty stuff, and creates Current User’s Stipe Payer Account all for you. You can then do calls via the Bubble Stripe Plugin.

What doesn’t seem to work is in Dev/Test mode. Or at least I can’t (and others as above) get it to do the creation of the seller account.


Take the code in the URL when you return from Stripe. Swap for for Token. Store.

This is only because in test mode I have to use

my domain /version-test/my page/poststripeauth as the redirect.

In this case Bubble does nothing itself, but I can get back to page I was on, and know I came from stripe so can process the token, and do a page redirect so we are back where we started (in this case, the page has a page data type, so I need to look it up again - although stripe does give the calling page back to you which is probably a better way come to think of it).

Thanks Nigel you have surely stopped me going insane trying to figure out why it was not working

Watch this video.

I think the key is to set both the test and live version URI to [Stripe Authentication]

Also, make sure you signed out of your Stripe account when you try to add a new seller. Otherwise, it adds yourself to your account.

I got all the same error message you guys mentioned before. But following this video and doing the above actually got it to work.

Good luck all.

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Yes it works with this URI ! (In test mode in my case )

I already watched this video but didn’t take care of it, and I was stuck only because of it :sweat_smile: