Ok very strange, I have one app which is on starter paid plan. Some crazy idea in main playing with it on Friday but did not work out. So after the weekend, on Monday, I decided that I will start with a fresh main. So I go to the main branch and look for the arrow to reset the main branch to live again.
But…there is no such option.
So now there is a change in main, not ready to go to live. It has been more than two days, so go back to a previous version of main is not possible anymore. But is also not needed. Just take me back to the version I have live.
Maybe I am blind but… it seems that this is not possible. I am sure I am missing something obvious here. After all, it is Monday…
Eh…you mean that in my situation I am stuck? Should be a solution to go forward I suppose or should this be intentional to get everyone on higher plans
little update, support somehow does not understand what I am saying. I have to do a “reset to live” but telling them that it seems that bubble intentionally does not provide that option on a paid starter plan resulted in a standard request to file a bug report with steps how to reproduce and no reaction anymore.
There is now way I can undo and rebuild the changes I have made in main to a state of which I am sure will break nothing in production. At the same time I need to fix something in production.
Do I really have to accept that I can no longer develop on Bubble so either have to remove the app entirely or upgrade, pay $100 a month more, just to get a fix to production?
It seems the only solution, and spending a day now figuring out what to do is surely much more costly than paying $100 a month extra. But it just seems so strange…
Thanks! If it does not import db data, what happens with the db setup then? So suppose I have made change to my db schema in main which means my db is different in structure from live. Will the import wipe out my whole main db and replace it with an empty db that has the live structure? If no data is copied, what will Bubble do when db structure is different between the imported app and the main app?
Oh, to be fair, I hadn’t thought about how it might ‘overwrite’ data tables you already have even if they’re identical. Duplicate the app and its data, import into the duplicate and see what happens?
I understand. It also feels a bit weird that we have to think about all these details as paying customers only because there is no option when paying for starter plan to reset main to live. I will ask Bubble support again. To be fair, I do not feel like doing all kinds of tests as the app is large (time consuming) and doing these kind of test manually is error prone.