Table Default Option for Option Set

My User (data type/table) has a field called user_type which is set by an Option Set. When I try and display the default value for the record in a table I get the following error message. I tried deleting the dropdown and recreating but I’m having issues with Option Set and similar with a Yes/No data type.

I think you just need to remove the “Display” from Dropdown Bs Default Value expression.

thanks that works any thoughts on this one? It’s not displaying the value already in the table.

In your example, you have the choices set to static choices which I am guessing dont matchup to the is_verified field. It Depends on the field type for is_verified on the user, is it text or a yes/no? and what is the default set to as right now I am guessing it is empty.

Fix that and fix your choices, as yes & no are just text where as yes/no is a value. you could also use an option set.