The Renaming Shortcut in the Editor

Has anyone found a reason why bubble makes double tapping elements open up the renaming panel? Is this a common thing that you guys use?

I seldom need to rename my elements after their creation, and it’s honestly infuriating trying to double tap an element because I want to bring it to front & be visible, only to see that I’ve opened up the renaming panel.

Heck, honestly even single tapping elements in the tree does not make them visible. Is there a way to change this?

Having to click on the eyelash icon for every single hidden group just feels so unintuitive.

No, never. I would never have wanted to use it in the editor tree since I would only ever change the name directly on the element inspector window.

I only really need to do that when I am reusing and repurposing pages/elements already built.

It is ridiculous that we have had no solid improvements since the release. I think everybody wanted the click on the element icon (which shouldn’t even be there anyway) to not only open the element inspector window but to also make the element visible on the canvas. So annoying to have to click two icons to get the one thing we want to happen. So I have to click the eye icon to see the element on canvas and then click the the stupid element icon to get the element inspector open. Causes so many mistakes by inadvertently changing the layout and appearance settings on the wrong element.

@kate.mcnally were any of the suggestions from the original thread announcement put into place and these continued issues of needing to click the eye icon to see the element on canvas and then click the element type icon to open the element inspector a Bug now? It really affects the speed of development to have to do two clicks everytime we want to see an element on the canvas and the element inspector window. We should be able to have that happen with one click and when the element is seen on the canvas we should be automatically scrolled to that element. None of these things are happening now.

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