Hey everyone,
I’m Kate, a product manager at Bubble focused on modernizing our editor interface. Today, we’re rolling out a new elements tree to improve your experience interacting with, managing, and building your app’s UI. With this new experience, you’ll spend less time on repetitive tasks and more time building the critical features that make your app unique.
The new elements tree includes:
Improved organization and a new search bar
- Two new collapsable sections for overlays and layers: The overlays section contains popups, floating groups, group focus, alerts (if the property is set), and reusable elements (if they are of type popup or floating group) that live on your page, while the layers section contains are all other elements.
- New drag-and-drop functionality: Place elements directly from the element palette into the elements tree in the exact place you want them. Especially when you’re building responsively, this will help speed up your development time and avoid misplacement on the canvas.
- New search bar: At the top of the elements tree, you can search by element name or element type.
New visual indicators
- New icons associated with each element: Each icon maps to the icon used in the element palette and in the canvas.
- Auto-reveal of elements upon click: When you click an element on the canvas, it will auto-reveal itself in the elements tree. Conversely, when you click an element in the elements tree, it will auto-reveal itself on the canvas.
New interactions via icons
In the header of the elements tree, there are two icons with new interactions:
The eye icon allows you to toggle between Show only hidden on page load and Show all elements. Toggling back and forth will hide and reveal elements where you have unchecked the This element is visible on page load setting.
The arrow icons next to the eye icon allow you to collapse or expand all the groups in the tree.
Next to each element, there are two icons with new interactions:
The eye icon allows you to show or hide the element on the canvas.
The lock icon allows you to lock the element in place on the canvas.
New keyboard shortcuts
A few of these command key shortcuts include:
- Cmd+C: Copy the selected element.
- Cmd+X: Cut the selected element.
- Cmd+V: Paste the selected element.
- Cmd+Click: Select multiple elements.
- Shift+Click: Select multiple elements in a row.
If you want to see the new elements tree in action, check out the latest Getting Started series that dropped earlier today on YouTube.
Up next on our editor modernization roadmap is a refresh of the workflow tab, so stay tuned for UI improvements to building logic on Bubble. In the meantime, we’d love to hear your thoughts on the new elements tree in the comments below. Thanks!