Trying To Make Tags Searchable In Repeating Group


When I upload a post I can add 4 text tags to it.

These tags are kept in there own data table which is attached to the post table as a list of tags.

What I’m trying to do is when you click on a tag the page refreshes and shows only the posts that contain the tag.

I’ve set a custom state when the tag is selected and then display list of the repeating group.

The problem is that if say on post number 1 the tag is GoodTag and that tag is the first in the list of tags, that shows no problem.

However if on post number 2 I have the same tag GoodTag but that is in the list of tags at line 2 then even though the tags are exactly the same the search on post number 1 for that tag will not bring up post number 2.

I’m doing something wrong but can’t figure it out.

Anybody shed some light on this?


For the Repeating group that pops up showing all posts with the same tag, what’s the data source? What’s your workflow look like when you click on the tag to make the repeating group pop up?

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There is a plugin called Search Facet or similar that might be able to do this, I believe they added a feature where it can be used without an input box

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Sorry for the delay in reply I’ve been trying over the last few days to solve the problem myself so as not to put you to any trouble. However, I’m still stuck.

I attached some screenshots of the workflows. I can see the problem is that the search is only looking for the tag I’ve clicked inside the current post and I can’t seem to break out.



As you can see at image wf5 where Waitress is a tag on 2 cells I’m trying to get the search to pull up everything with Waitress and not just the one cell.


Sorry if I’m not understanding because I don’t see the whole app, but is each tag a button you press? Or is it the whole post you are clicking? It looks like you are storing the entire post in the custom state right?

I can see that some people can put a link to the bubble site so that you can see all the data.

I’m on a $25 monthly subscription is it possible that I can do that so you can see the full site?

Sorry I’m new to Bubble.


I believe it’s only on the Professional $130 plan you can add Collaborators. I’ve told Bubble they need to fix this because why would someone pay the $130 when they are still learning and need people to remotely help edit the app.

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Here’s how I’d handle this:

  • Have a RG of Posts, with type of content Posts. In the “Search for” box, have a constraint that says Tags contains the custom state Tag. Check the ignore empty constraints box. Have the custom state start off as empty.
  • As one of the cells in this RG, insert a RG for Tags. The data source for this Tags RG is the current cell’s Post’s Tags
  • In the Tags RG, insert a text field for the Tag’s name. Put a workflow on this text field, so that when someone clicks it, it sets the Tag custom state for that tag. Then Posts RG will then update and only show posts containing that Tag
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Cheers Tyler11 and thanks for taking the time out to try and assist me.

I’ll try and think of an easier way to explain my problem because I’m sure its a dead easy fix but I’m just missing something.

Thanks Ed727,

I’m reading this and I’ll give this a try.


Yep I think @ed727 's solution would do it. You won’t be able to do a workflow from clicking the tag text I don’t think, but you can just put the tags name in a group, then do the workflow from when the group is clicked.

Also with custom states when you refresh the page you will lose them so it will go back to the default post feed with no tags. To retain the tag you have to store it in the URL as a parameter. Not hard just have to change a few things.

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Sorry guys for being a bit of a Dodo but does it help if I explain it this way?

At image shot 1 you can see that I’ve placed in the search a027 Kim Wetherby and that search returns 4 cells from the RG and each of these cells returned have 2 tags. As an example the top cell contains 2 tags:

UniformLace and CoffeeCup.

If you look at the RG cells 2, 3 and 4 you can see that these have the same tags as each other:

Waitress and FrenchMaid.

So I click on cell 2 tag Waitress and ask it to return all cells that contain Waitress as a tag in the right hand column.

It returns only cell 2. (Shot 2)

If we look at the tag Waitress in cells 2,3 and 4 you can see that Waitress is the 1st Tag in cells 2 and 3 but in cell 4 it is the 2nd tag.

What I’m trying to achieve is that if you click on Waitress on any of the cells the search should return in the right hand column all instances of the tag Waitress.



If we use this as the starting point is it possible that you can guide me by asking questions in a stage by stage basis as to what my workflows or (whatever else) should look like.



Sorry Tyler11,

I sent my latest post before I read this message so I’ll look at this too.

I do appreciate your time.


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