I am pulling my hair out working with date ranges and calculations. I am working with employee birthdates - basically, I want to conditionally highlight birthdates that are within the next 60 days. Does anyone have a guide they use in understanding/calculating dates?
I think you might be referring to this thread, Nigel.
I read through that one - the solution didn’t work for my use case unfortunately. I ended up creating a hidden field that holds a date calculation and then using that field in my conditional.
How about:
create a new custom state for the page of type date: in60days
In “when the page is opened” set in60days to equal current_date:+days:60
For your condition:
if birthdate(change year to current_date:extract year) >= current date and birthdate(change year to current_date:extract year) <= in60days
(then the birthday date falls between now and 60 days from now).
I THINK that might work.