Uploading a .csv file with a list field set to number


Running into an issue trying to load a .csv file whereas one of my data fields is set to a list of numbers. The problem is that some things have only one number in this data field while others have two numbers. Must a list of numbers contain more that one entry separated by comma?

I have decided to give this a shot.

For the following data type:

The data in the CSV (in Excel):

The data in the text editor:

And the bubble uploader:

It successfully uploads:


So, there might be something wrong with your data format?


Thanks for your efforts. I, too, can upload the list values directly via the backend. However, I want the user to upload the file via the UI using the workflow action… “Upload Data as CSV”. This procedure produces the error when any one of the list field items contains just one value. Seems kind of nuts to me since a list can sometimes contain just one value.

Here’s a pic of my workflow.

So here’s what I have done. I added a workflow action to populate the list field after the import. Although this works, I now have to change my logic for other processes that rely on this data.

My question remains: why won’t the "upload data as CSV’ function in Bubble allow the user to upload a list field when, for some things, the list contains just one value?