[URGENT] Url adress parameter is not working anymore on bubble


I have a big problem with bubble since a few hours. Everything was working well on my app and I changed nothing.

I send a geographic adress in a parameter from one page to another to display the restaurants close to the adress and since a few hours it is not working anymore. Is someone having the same issue ? It is looking like if bubble is not able to read geographic url parameter anymore.

It is a big issue for my website because all the geographical searches are not working anymore :frowning:

Is there an other way to send an adress from one page to another (without using url parameter) ?

Thank you so much for your help.

Did you set up your own Google maps API keys?

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Hello Vincent, thank you very much for your answer

My workflow is kind of very simple everything was working well until yesterday and I changed nothing.

I have a search-box on one page where the user can write a geographic adress. I save the adress like a parameter called a.

On the second page this was working until yesterday and it stopped to work :

This is an exemple with a city called Lyon in France, it should display the Escape Rooms at less than 50km of the city but it just display all my database. Everything was working well yesterday and now all the users can’t do geographic search :frowning:

Do you know if there is another way of doing it ?

If that’s still happening, can you file a bug report?


Thank you for your answer Emmanuel,

I just posted a new post a little bit up 2s before yours. I will also file a bug report.



I have an other account on bubble and I saw that the same problem happened on my other website. It should be a problem on every bubble app I believe.

I posted more infos about it more up in the conversation [URGENT] Url adress parameter is not working anymore on bubble

best will be a report at bubble.is/bug_report with the exact way to reproduce. We’ll look into it.

Weirdly, I cannot save an address either anymore. Getting this error message:

I have my Google API keys setup. If this error doesn’t look familiar, I guess I’ll need to check my keys…

We’ll need a bug report here as well.

Another day, a better Bubble :stuck_out_tongue: seems like it fixed itself.

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