Hi! I got a question. I have a repeating group of posts on my index page. And I would like to make so that it would be possible to share a URL link that would directly point to the specific part of the repeating group when external users clicks on it. Any suggestions? Thanks.
You can display data / list when current page url is X.
the website is build by show and hide on one page. so in this case do I need to create a separate page for every post?
If I understand correctly your question,
You don’t have to create separated pages.
You have to generate a link that will take the Rg current settings and save them in vars on the URL.
And when someone opens that URL will load the RG “saved” settings.
You can achieve this using Current Page URL.
that’s correct! how do I generate that link?
Hello, this is just an example:
Editor: https://bubble.io/page?name=index&id=demorg&tab=tabs-1
Link without vars: https://demorg.bubbleapps.io/version-test
Link 1 with var: https://demorg.bubbleapps.io/version-test/index?rg=1535379658424x882520946727714800
Link 2 with var: https://demorg.bubbleapps.io/version-test/index?rg=1535379705640x790209806280687600
thank you for taking your time and making such great showcase! I will get through all it and implement!