Usage CPU low - but duration of the max capacity reached high


Over the last 24 hours on one app, the average CPU usage doesn’t exceed 15% of the capacity, but it says the app hit its max capacity for 84 min.

Am I right ?
chart - it shows averaged values per minute ?
duration of app at its max capacity - As soon as the serveur reaches 100% of its capacity, even for 2 seconds, one minute is incremented ?

I try to understand if I do need to buy more capacity.

Any news on this topic? We got email everyday too and trying to figure out.

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Same here. I just got email regarding this and I’m on the professional plan with two extra units purchased. Only a couple users and only a handful of records in entire database. What causes this? You

Same here… Bubble’s explanation for that is not too convincing. Mathematically speaking the graphs don’t show much correlation with each other.

I too would like to have a deeper understanding on this. I received a few emails over past few days on this but am still in development with no users.

@emmanuel - is there a write-up on how CPU usage and max capacity is derived? Are there some guidelines on how to make apps more “CPU efficient”?


If your app isn’t in production already that means whatever you are doing is CPU intense for the CPU capacity that you currently have.

Few things to consider here (I’m sure there are many others):

  • Are you performing too many write/ delete in your Data Base?
  • How often does your Workflows run?
  • Are you getting too many data from external sources (API)?
  • Do you have too many API Endpoints calling (triggering) other API Endpoints within your API Workflow?
  • When working on a List of things, are you adding a few seconds between each item to give some time to the server to process the current item?

@scharan - thanks, this is a helpful list. I actually am deleting some content in the DB which I recently added to the app for housekeeping purposes. I also didn’t realize adding some time between working on List of Things would help - I’ll need to look into that as I’ve also just added that into my app too.

Would be great to have a reference doc with this type of info. Helpful when making design trade-offs and impacts on performance. Your list is a good start!


The graphic is avg 10min not 1 min. So Bubble’s explanation is:

MIN 1: 20% CPU
MIN 2: 20% CPU
MIN 3: 20% CPU
MIN 4: 20% CPU
MIN 5: 100% CPU
MIN 6: 20% CPU
MIN 7: 20% CPU
MIN 8: 20% CPU
MIN 9: 20% CPU
MIN 10: 20% CPU

Your AVG CPU would be 28% but you would receive an e-mail saying that your app reached it’s allocated capacity for 1 minute.

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