Using address when domain name is set?

Is there a way to use address to test some app functions while the main domain is also set?
I need to test out the location functions and their precision but I don’t have SSL in my package - and I’d like to evaluate the viability of the functions for my use case before considering an upgrade. But when I try to use the bubbleapps page I get automatically forwarded to the main domain.

I have two private apps, both with a domain setup but one won’t forward/redirect to that domain and the other does… Seem to be setup in the same way though. I will have to look into this a bit more in detail.

Go to the Domain & Email tab and there should be a checkbox saying
‘Redirect all requests to the domain (instead of’

If unchecked you should be able to go to your app form the .bubbleapps (with SSL) domain

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Thanks, @gf_wolfer, that worked beautifully.

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