Using one app across multiple displays; 50mb upload limit

Hi there, I am trying to build an app to be used for an Immersive theatre event. It’s a karaoke machine with a limited selection of songs.

I’m currently running into two issues. Firstly, I want the UI to be on a tablet screen while the karaoke videos that come up to run on a separate monitor. I’m not sure how to do this; currently I have the videos popping up in another tab, but I’m not sure how to make the system acknowledge two separate displays.

Secondly, the videos are around 200MB long and too big for the uploader. I was intending to use the videoJS plugin so that I could have a workflow with the end of the video triggering the tab closing, however I can’t get it to talk to YouTube or another external video host. The regular video element can run YouTube vids, but that doesn’t seem to have any way to use the end of the video as a workflow trigger.

This is my first Bubble app so any advice is appreciated!

Since you’re confined to a web app in a browser it won’t know about physical monitors connected., it might be best to have a button that opens the app in a new tab, to a specific “2nd monitor” page to show the video. Then move that tab to the 2nd monitor and keep it open the whole time.

Then let Bubble’s realtime database handle showing/hiding videos as needed on the page.

So on Monitor 1 you may pick a video → Make changes to Current user's Video (like a text URL field)

On Monitor 2 you have a video player datasource pointing to Current User's Video and the player can be visible using conditions depending on if the field is empty or not

Also the file uploader does support larger file sizes if you increase the value:

Triggering based off of the video ending would depend on the plugin. I think there was one called MuxJS with tons of controls and options

Thanks! To clarify, I’m not allowing users to upload video via the File Uploader element, I myself am trying to upload files via the database.

Can I increase the file sizes there?

There isn’t but it would be better if you just made a page for yourself to manage and upload videos through the uploader so you’re not going into the editor. Even yourself would be a User just one with higher authority. Like a yes/no field for if you’re allowed to upload videos :slight_smile:

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