Using stripe to simply charge a customer simple

I am looking into a simple product on stripe to do this but i am unsure and would like someones point if there is an easier way. I would like the user to purchase coins for inapp purchasing. Can i set a purchase button up charge the user and then + the coins to the users wallet on successful payment. what is the easiest way around getting this to work. I appreciate any answers, im not new to bubble but im very new to moving forward with payments. Thankyou so much!

In addition: Can i use the account the user owns with my app or do they need to have a stripe account in this instance? Again thankyou so much!

Hey @mean02776 :wave:

The steps below should get you started with stripe:

  • [Stripe] You need to create a stripe account of course.
  • [Stripe] Enable developer mode in stripe to get API keys for test and live.
  • [Stripe] Create a bunch of products in stripe (probably different products for each coin group in your case).
  • [Bubble] Setup stripe plugin in Bubble with the API keys you created above.
  • [Bubble] When a user clicks on the corresponding buy button in a coin group, you will call the appropriate workflow action that will redirect the user to a stripe page
  • [Stripe] In this stripe page, they can either login or just use card to pay for your product
  • [Bubble] In the next action, you can check the result of the previous stripe workflow action to check if it succeeded or failed, and do some action based on that.

While testing in TEST mode, you will see that there is a known issue, then you will check this video when you come to that level: Bubble Stripe plugin does not show Plans on live mode - #4 by hergin

I know this sounds a lot but once you start you get used to. Good luck.


Thankyou so much i will be looking into this! I really appreciate the information! If i could ask you one more thing, bubble has a stripe plugin but i cannot find this in plugins anymore has it been discontinued or am i missing something? Thankyou so much again i really appreciate your answer!

Hi again ! I have set up the api for test and live, through test i have created a button that directs the user straight to stripe for payment and then back to the app itself. At this point how can i create a way to make sure the transaction is successful so i can proceed by adding the coins to the users wallet?

Im sorry to ask ive just become really stuck.

Thankyou so much!!

You will check the result of the previous step. Below, I use subscription action of stripe, and this is how I use the result of it to change something in the current user:

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Literally smashed it thankyou so much again!