Value Change Trigger Plugin - Trigger a workflow when a custom state / database / value changes

Hey Everyone,

I created a nimble, simple plugin to trigger an event when a value in your app changes! This has many use cases, but is really good for triggering a workflow when a custom state changes!

Pass any value into the plugin (which could be a custom state, database field or anything you can access in bubbles front-end) and use the plugins exposed workflow to trigger and event and receive updates every time the value changes.

Handy places this can be used:

  • Trigger workflows when custom states change using one simple element
  • Trigger workflows when data in the database changes. This is especially helpful when backend workflows change data and you want to trigger a workflow like a popup display or something on the front-end

To view the plugin page: Value Change Trigger (CustomStates) Plugin | Bubble

View the demo video at:

View it in the editor: APG plugins | Bubble Editor

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Yo nice work on this!

I’ve been handling reusable events by toggling yes/no states on and off in the reusable and doing ‘do when: value is yes’ on the parent page but this should make things a lot simpler!


Thanks @MattN

Yep I was doing that previously but its a pain to set up when it really doesn’t need to be! Thanks for the feedback :slight_smile:

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Does this work for when a data field of a specified database entry changes?

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Yep, if you pass that value into the plugin, when the value changes a workflow will be triggered

nice, i was doing this slightly differently and setting a random string custom state before, and after and checking on change then executing whatever.

This looks like it solves a number of these things!

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Yep that’s one of the many use cases!

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