Video Call Rate System

After the Video Call on my site, I want the user to rate the call. but I don’t know how to do this in bubble. My scoring popup is ready, but I could not make the scheme to send a score like 1,2,3,4,5 to the database. Is there anyone who can help?

Hey @batuhance22

Assuming you’re using the Bootstrap Star Rating input plugin, and that you have a ‘Rating’ field (of type number) in your ‘Video Call’ data type, you could simply run a workflow when button ‘Rate’ is clicked in your popup, to make changes to Current Page Video Call > Rating = Star Rating Input’s value

Hope that helps

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I did what you said. But I can’t add Workflow.

@batuhance22 I’m not sure what you mean, you should be able to add a workflow to any button.
Maybe share your editor in view-mode and I’ll have a look


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I can’t share. My bad, I have not shared before. How it is made?

@batuhance22 you need to go to Settings > General, and change the privacy to Everyone can view. Then send the link either here or feel free to PM me


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Does it need to be “Live” to Share My App?

No it doesn’t is it enough?

Yes that’s fine

if you look page tree , you can find popup A

Okay @batuhance22 you need to:

  • Set the type of content of the popup to ‘Video Call’
  • In step 1 of the following workflow, display the Video Call data in the Popup:
  • Build the following workflow: When input’s value is changed (Star rating) > Make changes to Parent group’s Video Call: Rating = This input’s value

Hope that helps

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Am I doing right?

You still need to show the popup in Step2 here

And you need to dynamically reference the Video Call data here:

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Selam dostum.

Anlatmak istediğini atıcağım örnekte göstermeye çalıştım. Video call data’sını pop up a göndermen ve aynı zamanda Starrating’in değeri değiştiğinde database’de yeni bir item oluşturman gerekiyor. Örnek editörün linkini atıyorum. İstediğinde bana özelden mesaj atabilirsin.

Not: Çok fazla error yaratıp çözmezsen Bubble editörün yavaş çalışır.


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