I am using a webhook from the API provider. When I first setup the webhook I was able to successfully detect the request data, and in the API provider dashboard I see the webhook marked as successful.
However, once I remove the /initialize from the URL on the webhook in the API provider dashboard and save, the webhooks fail.
I made no changes in Bubble, only changed the URL in the API provider dashboard for the relevant webhook. This is the case for all 12 webhooks I setup in their system.
Their support offered this possible reason for the failures.
Our API expects your webhook endpoint to return specific HTTP status codes (200 OK, 201, 202, or 204). If your endpoint is not responding with one of these codes, the API will retry the delivery multiple times. This could cause the status to remain pending.
This is all I can see in Logs for one of the webhooks during the initialization.
As the logs do not show the HTTP status codes, it is hard to tell if it matches the API Providers specific HTTP status codes…but since it succeeded in initialization, I’d imagine it had one of the correct HTTP status codes.
So, I’m at a loss as to why the subsequent webhooks would always fail after having removed the /initialization from the webhook URL in the API provider dashboard.
I’m also seeing in logs a lot of empty values in the HTTP request, which is where I suppose the URL should be for the webhook requesting
This is what the backend workflow looks like
Any ideas on what might be the issue here? Is this on the API provider side, Bubble side, cloudflare side? Have I done something wrong?
@Jici maybe you have experienced something similar in past or have a quick sense of what might be going on?
Any thoughts are appreciated.