Workflow Navigation on same page with Page Parameters


I have a possibly silly question, but why are we not allowed to go to a page in the first step if we are going to the same page with just different parameters? I fixed it by adding a useless condition - Only when current user is logged in - to “Go to page” (maybe it’ll help someone). If you have a better way, I’d be happy to hear it!

More details:
I have a dashboard with different views (for example: ?view=dashboard / ?view=support / etc). I created a custom action in my workflow that hides some elements in the ?view=dashboard to show others. I call this action from different views (dashboard and support).

To make it work when I’m in the support view, I created a “Go to page” step in my custom workflow, adding a pause to let the page load before performing my other actions. It works very well, but it causes an issue that prevents me from publishing this in Live so I add the condition to fix it.

I believe it would be beneficial to have the option to ‘go to page/refresh’ the page with new parameters to avoid this issue. Or maybe I’m creating a problem where there isn’t one :joy:


This is because, the workflow would end after the user is redirected to the next page, which is why Bubble suggests keeping this as the last step

Instead of this, why not just set the visibility conditionals on the group? It’ll be easier to manage than showing/hiding different groups from time to time.


Thanks for your answer! :slight_smile:

I did this, but the showing/hiding is set up when I press one button. So I need to be on the original view to change the visibility of elements. Maybe I’ll just add parameters in the slug for that. I was just wondering if someone had a better way to do it.

Understood. Then if it’s just show/hide, you can also use the toggle element workflow action. If the element is hidden, it shows it, and vice-versa

The suggestion from @Zeroic to use conditions to change the visibility of the elements. When you use conditions you only need to determine when the element should be visible if you make it not visible on page load by default. But with hide/show, you always need to run the action to hide or show. The only elements I use show action is popup or group focus…every other element is controlled by conditions to change the visibility parameter.

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