Workflow to change text every x seconds

I’ve reviewed the help articles I thought may help, but nothing’s working.
Steps I’ve taken:

  1. Set Up a Text Element:
  • Drag a Text element onto your page where you want the heading to appear.
  • Type out your static text (e.g., “Finding a Coach was never so easy!”).
  • Leave a placeholder (e.g., “____”) where the dynamic word will go.
  1. Create a List of Words:
  • Go to the Data tab in
  • Create a new data type (e.g., CoachingType) and add a field (e.g., TypeName) to store the different words like “Life,” “Career,” “Executive,” etc.
  • Populate the data type with the different words you want to cycle through.
  1. Add a Workflow to Change the Word:
  • Created a Custom State on the Text element to hold the current word.
  • Used a workflow to change the value of this Custom State every few seconds. You can do this with a recurring workflow action or a looping custom event.
  1. Update the Text Element Dynamically:
  • In the Text element, replaced the placeholder with a dynamic expression that pulls in the word from the Custom State.
  1. Set the Timing for Word Change:
  • Used the workflow action “Do every X seconds” to trigger the change in the Custom State, cycling through the list of words.

I think I may be using the wrong dynamic expression in the text box. Thanks so much in advance for any help!

The expression in the text element needs to refer to the Text you want to display (as defined in your workflow - not from a search).

Thanks for your response Adam. Do you happen to know how I can reference that? I have the custom state set to CurentWord, but when I try to search for that in “Insert Dynamic Data” it’s not there.

Where is the Custom State set?

It’s set to the element Finding a Coach.

You nee to reference the Element, then The Custom State.

So, in your Text Element, you need to use the expression:

Finding a Coach's CustomStateName

Thank you so much! It was staring me in the face this whole time!

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