Resolved: Today when opening my photo app I populated the Repeating Group with all images in the database. I reloaded the page but no change. Then I clicked on a menu link leading to the current page, and suddenly only the images related to the chosen thing was shown.
Having had issues with Repeating Group loading time I have a hunch this might not be a bug regarding making the right search in the database (bu the Bubble engine), but rather simply lag time waiting for correct data to show for the Repeating Group. Since I swapped back and forth between Things view different sets of images somehow the Repeating Group “remebers” all images before getting the subset to show. This reasoning also goes in line with my other issues with Repeating Group loading times. See bullet 3 in Slow Response from Bubble
Regarding bullet 3, what’s the order of the workflow in the pop Up? Are you showing the pop up, then changing the data source? Or changing data source, then showing pop Up?
There’s no workflow in the popup (only on buttons clicks). The Repeating group is set to the type of Thing to show but has no Data source. The Repeating Group content is set in a workflow when the user selects of “mother” Thing in the base page. This way I’m trying to get at preload, but it doesn’t seem to work. I even tried to hide/show the Repeating group (until loaded) but still the same.