WUreducer - Reduce your Workload Units

Weird - I didnā€™t receive it. Going to login to my email provider and see if I can find something.

Tried again - still not receiving it. My MS365 server has no record of it coming in.

No idea why its not working. Ill investigate it futher on monday. But postmark is sending the email as I just showed.

Thanks - Iā€™ll let you know if they come in.

@gaimed found the messages - they were being quarantined by MS - see attached: Screen-Shot-2024-11-27-11-37-56.65.png

Was able to login, but donā€™t see my current app in the Manage section.

@gaimed I hope I didnā€™t screw something up. I put zirkels.com into the ā€œsetup your domainā€ input and it gave me a whole different app id.

I donā€™t want to change anything about zirkels. Instead, I want to add in another app.

The app id for zirkels (that is working fine) is 1706086874762x786456626998018000

The new one is: 1732704104387x151363802313523200

Should I use this new one for the new app? Or login with a different email for that app? Or something else?

If you are saving people WU, which is Bubbleā€™s income & lifebloodā€¦ are you confident that bubble themselves will not see this as a threat and purposely try to cripple this or make it an illegal practice etc? Just wondering.

I donā€™t think Bubble has that intention.

Theyā€™ve been pretty accepting of ideas from what I can see since Iā€™ve been here.


Itā€™s very sad that everyone struggles with the same issues. Iā€™m working on a project codenamed Better Bubble to solve this. Once completed, many problems will be resolved, from WU issues to challenges in component usage, limitations in dynamic expressions to workflow page problems, from states to security vulnerabilities. When it reaches alpha level, I will share it with our community with great excitement and happiness.

How will you accomplish that?

Great but can you start your own post :wink:


I donā€™t know how to explain this easily without giving details since the product hasnā€™t been released yet, but most of the parts of the system will work outside of bubble editor.