Debugger Won't Show

Im building a mobile native page, and the debugger won’t show.
I’m super new to bubble, and unsure of how to get the debugger going.

I get this message where the debugger is supposed to be.

“The page is higher than your real design as the debugger is visible and displays a white area.
It will be back to normal when the debugger is off.”


Can’t see your upload there… try adding ?debug_mode=true onto the URL of the page if it’s not there already… or try restarting your browser. Sometimes works for me.

Thanks for your response, Scott3.

The screen shot says this:

“The page is higher than your real design as the debugger is visible and displays a white area.
It will be back to normal when the debugger is off.”

I tried restarting my browser. It didn’t work.
I also tried adding ?debug_mode=true; that doesn’t work either.
I’m sure it has something to do with the message, or perhaps it’s because I’m on the hobby plan?

Hmmm… are you using any blockers on the site (e.g.: Privacy Badger, etc.)?

Also, are you logged into the editor using the same browser? I had that issue before…

I tried with safari and chrome. It didn’t work.

I’m not using a javascript blocker, no.

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