I want to link a custom data type in my app to a different data type that consists of a combination of several fields.
For example, a user (data type) could have multiple houses (data type), and each house would be associated with several rooms (data type). However, the rooms would be named based on multiple fields, like name (bedroom), number (1), level, type, purpose, etc. The goal is to link content (data type) to a room but the room is different based on the combination of its fields (i.e. content is distributed to blue (field) bedroom (field) 1 (field) or red kitchen outdoor). Obviously, I can simply allocate content to a home based on a singular field of text (ex “blue bedroom 1”). But, I’m hopeful that I can allocate to a room based on the combination of fields under the data type room.
In other words, sending data to room (a) (b) (52) is very different than room (a) (b) (122). Easy to do if the room is “AB52”, but I’m trying to maintain separation between the room fields for the purpose of content.
I didn’t fully understand what you need to get done tbh - but seems like you want to update the name of a thing based on other things.
Doing this really depends on how much you expect the things affecting the bedroom’s name to change - and should those changes update the bedroom name every time.
One way would be to simple make a change to the bedroom thing’s name every time one of these fields changes.
A better way could be using Database Triggers on the Backend Workflows - set these up to trigger every time a relevant field changes on a secondary thing.
Thanks for the reply, and I apologize for not being as clear as possible.
In short, the database thing’s name is made up of a combination of fields -
Example: Data Type: “Room” - Fields (location, type, number).
The data type (content) needs to be sent to a page that is based on the combination of these fields under the data type Room. - I want a different page and content for the Room - “Upper” “Bedroom” “#1” (each different fields). The reason for these different fields is that the data exists publicly (for my actual application) but it’s separate fields.
I’ll look into the Database Triggers/Backend workflow.