Assign Temp Password to User - Redirect in Settings

I’m trying to find the area in the settings under the General tab where I can set the redirect a user who has not changed their password as explained in the manual

I do not see it anywhere which could be because it is a client app and I do not have access to everything.

If it is in fact there, could you please share a screen shot so I could advise the client on how to make the appropriate changes to the area in their app? Would be much appreciated.

Here you go. Hope that helps. :blush:

Thank you. I’m not seeing the define password policy in the client app either, so definitely due to my lack of access to all of the app.

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Just FYI, the default ‘reset_pw’ page is not an option in this dropdown. It seems that you would have to create your own page for the redirect and let them change their password on that page.

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