Bing Search Not Returning Web Results

I am trying to build an online search that searches for the the UPC results of a BDK’s barcode scanner

  1. The results of the Barcode Scanner are in “BN-Scancode A’s content” and I have it written out to screen to confirm.
  2. Add a repeating group and set the type of content to “Bing Search webPages Value (Bing Image Search)”

  1. Then set the Data Source to “Get Data from an External API” and set the “q” value to “BN-Scancode A’s content”

  1. Set the values of the webresults in the RG text fields for the “Name” (the headline result), the “URL”, and the “snippet”

  1. Test it on BDK Native App… and I do not get anything in the repeating group - it is empty

The Workflow contains the following

Any help would be really appreciated. I would love to end the week with something working!!!


It seems part of the problem is coming from an invalid key for the zeroqode bing search plugin.

x9:6 Element RepeatingGroup Bing Image Search images value (Bing Image Search) - data_source The service Bing Image Search - Bing Image Search just returned an error (HTTP 401). Please contact the plugin author directly for feedback. Raw error:

{"error":{"code":"401","message":"Access denied due to invalid subscription key or wrong API endpoint. Make sure to provide a valid key for an active subscription and use a correct regional API endpoint for your resource."}}

however, I have cut and paste the key from Azure directly into the plugin:

So I don’t know what the issue is and will gladly pay someone to help me solve this and a few other issues, just direct message me.

Hi @lindquisterik1,

Thanks for reaching out. We can see there are open threads via our forum, so we’ll monitor it for further updates.

Best regards,
Zeroqode Team

Hi Alex,
The real issue seems to be that Zeroqode is using the old azure cognitive services which are going to end on October 30, 2020, which is a couple days from now, and my keys were made for bing’s new search functionality. I have made a quick bubble bing search api that uses the endpoint:

And it works just fine.

You may want to look at updating your bing search plugin endpoints before they get depricated.


Hi @lindquisterik1,

Thanks for feedback. We’re glad it is working so far on your side as well. Sorry for misleading, the current API should still work and it is actually 3 years from now, so the Bing Search APIs will transition from Azure Cognitive Services to Azure Marketplace on 31 October 2023.

You can see our note on plugin’s page:

Just for future reference.

Thank you :pray:

Best regards,
Zeroqode Team