Blank parameter issue in Backend Workflows

Hey! :wave:

Out of nowhere, my panel start displaying that i have an Issue to fix. When I open the “Issues panel” to see, it says that I forget to fill a parameter that is required by one of my backend workflows.


When I click to see the missed parameter, it shows me a filed (no filled) of a parameter that don’t even exist (blank). And I can’t remove this blank parameter as well…

Sometimes the error disappears/appears… Sometimes the error happens in another backend workflow… Has anyone experienced this?

This bug already have been discussed here:

:white_check_mark: Bug report already filled

As an update to my post and the bug report I filed on the subject.

Screen Shot 2021-06-12 at 2.05.53 PM

It has been closed but not resolved. I never was contacted by a member of the engineering team about the issue, and it looks like the Status last reported was just that somebody is working on the ticket, although for some reason they closed the case without resolving the issue.

I still experience this in most all of my apps.

Somebody renamed my post, adding the word “solved”… but I also had no reply about this subject…

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