How much page views in average can the Personal plan and the Professional plan take? i (and other users) have asked about users and workflows in the past, but i’m more interested to know how much page views can it take when almost all of the workflows (if not all) are on the client side. Lets also assume the pages are pretty light (500-700kb).
Not really answering your question but I wonder if bubble could make say 3 apps. One really simple, one average and one complex (even maybe using templates available). Then with these 3 apps give us expected figures on different plans for the different apps. I think this would be helpful to get an idea.
Yes. That would awesome.
I guess for me its difficult to understand the unit system that bubble use, i’d rather know this information in hard numbers (traffic for example, would be an awesome metric to know)
Is there anything stopping us from doing this right now? I imagine it’d be pretty easy to set up a page and run a simple load test.
Personally, I’m more interested in seeing how the same app responds under various loads on the different Bubble plans.
If Bubble would share the amount of traffic in GB they allocate (or allow) to each plan, that would resolve my question. maybe they can add some info. But yeah, for anything server based this is the only way to find out.
I’m really interested in this, because this will tell us which plans are best suitable for our needs.
I’m really confused about the difference between personal and professional plans in particular
Aren’t we all? Well, I’ll tell you the difference:
Free and Hobby plans have burst capacity (for lack of a better term). On these plans, your backend can grab as much horsepower as it needs… IF it’s available. This is not always the case.
On a pro plan you are limited to (granted?) the number of units you’ve purchased. They do not vary.
The above may or may not be the way it ACTUALLY is, but that’s the way it appears. So, there it is.
Happy Bubblin’!