i’ve created an app to support some workshops. Most of the worflows are short (small number of actions, my max is 8) and (i think) efficient (as i have a strong developer background).
One of the most used type of actions (and that is not purely local to the browser) is DB Update in sequences. One of the “bubble” effect is that if several people are looking at the same page with the same data, everyone, with a relatively low latency, can see data update “live”. And that’s a feature i’m using a lot. At first, the app was made to manage at most 10 to 12 attendees and the app goes well.
But i’m going to face a new situation where i’m going to have to manage 1000 attendees for one of those workshops.
My question concerns the Personal plan and it’s capacity to “resist” to such a number of people at the same time. i’ve seen the “Capacity Boost”, but it lasts only 1 hour. and the workshop will be on a week (with so many attendees). Have you ever experienced such a “load” for an app on a personal plan ? what are my alternatives to be able to manage some many people at the same time ?
Thanks for any answer, advice, hint, …
Best regards,