Will I be able to let my users create their own e-commerce pages and host the result on my subdomains?
So I can manage all my users’ data rolling around this scope
=== New Update =====
- Fix some bugs
- New feature - get the list of all layers with image
- select layer with action
- Show/Hide specific layer with action
- export canvas as SVG
- Update SVG colors
As soon as you can, include me in the beta test
=== New Features added =====
Ability to align objects with action
Flip objects vertical and horizontal
show guidelines and snap to objects and canvas center
support add custom shapes from SVG file
Zoom with the mouse wheel or action, and support pan when zooming in
zoom will be to mouse points unless the canvas width and height lower than the screen will be to center
Would be great have this timeline to animate elements
Hello Momen,
Would it be possible to have an avatar builder with your plugin? Customise it so that users can choose face, hair, nose… style, customise the colors, etc. ?
Hello Licorice,
Yes it possible, I made something simple like this before with the plugin you can check
That’s very cool, and I love the style! When can we access your plugin?
Hello Everyone,
the plugin is just released on Bubble marketplace, you can check it here
----- Basic Demo page -------
----- Advanced Editor Demo -------
the plugin is available now on the marketplace, check it now
Hi @momen Is there a way to create circular image frames with this?
currently, there is no frame option for the image but you can make the image circular by increasing the roundness of the image based on its width, for example, if the image width is 200px make the roundness more than 100px this will make the image look as circular
Hmm. I’ve tried doing that but it isn’t a perfect circle so it won’t work for what I’m trying to do.
to make it perfect circle you need to make it square , width = height ,
I also added the feature of adding frame to images to the backlog to be added to the next updates
Hello @momen
Can i set aspect ratio of image
I need options to save edited image with 16:9 , 9:16, 1:1 , 4:5 aspect ratios
Is it compatible with the native app? I want to make a native app for ios and android to let the user make advertisement templates
Your plugin may be what I need but I wanted to check first!
I am building a double glazing designer app which will allow window installers to quickly draw a window to scale based on measurement inputs. So, I wondered if the shape can be resized from the users input values?
Next, can I limit the number of shapes available so my users can only choose from 4 or 5?
I need to enable users to draw something like the images below (they would only draw one window at a time)
Is this at all possible?
You can set the actual working canvas to any dimension you want and when exporting the canvas to image it will take the same dimension of the working canvas
Yes all objects can set width and height with workflow
Shapes in the demo is coming from database, the plugin enables you to add svg shapes from url
So you can save your shapes as svg on database and add this shapes from database using plugin workflow
When I load a new design, the zoom isn’t working correctly.
The initial zoom setting is too high, and I can’t control that with ‘When page is loaded’ Workflow
How could I fix it?
I just checked the demo editor and seems working normally, so I think this happened in a specific case, can you send me a video recording to get from where exactly this issue happened