Hi guys,
I’m just setting up my data types, I was just wondering if there is a way to reorder the columns within the table.
In the example below, I want to make food item ID the first column in the table.
Thanks in advance
Hi guys,
I’m just setting up my data types, I was just wondering if there is a way to reorder the columns within the table.
In the example below, I want to make food item ID the first column in the table.
Thanks in advance
Hi there, @ealder21… if you hover over the lines between the column headings, your cursor will change so you can either move a column or resize it. However, changes you make do not persist across sessions, so maybe the short answer to your question is no. It’s really not no because you can reorder the columns, but again, those changes won’t stick.
Hi Mikeloc,
thanks for the info, I have manged to re-order the columns, also thanks for the heads up about changes not staying after a session has ended. Apricate the help.