Delete List Of Fake Users

Hi everyone!

Someone created like 150 fake accounts on my platform.

I have the list of bad emails.

How do I create a recursive workflow / workflow to delete the users that have the emails I’ve deemed bad?

I’m stuck on this!

I’ve tried both backend and frontend workflows and nothing is working.

Anyone have any idea how to delete things based on a list of text?

Also idk where to store the list of text, I even tried making a new datatype “bad user” with the list of all their emails.

Hi @homegrown,

Check out this article: How To Set Up Recursive Workflows In Bubble - Amlie Solutions

You should have a security layer during your signup process to block user to sign up using these bad emails. So it is better to have them organized in some list inside your app.

To delete all the “bad users” you can run a workflow to “Delete a list of things”, choose Users and constraint the search by the Users where emails are in this list in you database.

yes exactly, and that list of emails I put into arbitrary text in the workflow.

i can’t seem to get it to work though. its almost if deleting them manually is faster at this point.

i am building out email verification, i had phone verification before but everyone complained about it.